Monday, May 13, 2013


So I graduated college. Is this real? 
I remember four years ago being a little freshman who had no idea what in the heck she was doing in Cedar City at SUU. A lot of people prayed and thought long and hard about where they should go to college, but for me... It kinda just happened. I didn't know why I came to SUU, I just.. did.
At first, I hated it. I wanted to go home to familiar people. 
I was at a place in my life where I honestly had no idea who I was. Original, right?
Each semester I had it all planned out in my head that I was getting out of Cedar and move to Salt Lake. 
But.. every semester, something would change and moving to Salt Lake just wasn't in the cards for me.
I didn't know why, but for some reason I was supposed to be in Cedar City. 
Then, spring semester of my sophomore year, I found the reason. 
I found that Warby boy.
 Before I met him, I knew who I wanted to be, but I was in the process of "putting my life back together" to achieve that me.
He came at the exact time I needed him. He came when we needed each other.
He showed me a different side to Cedar that I stubbornly shunned.
He showed me how great the people of Cedar are.
He introduced me to my new family whom I have grown to love so so dearly. 
Because of all of these things, and a million other things, I stuck it out.
Through the support and love of everyone around me, I was able to obtain my Bachelors of Science degree in Family Life & Human Development with an emphasis in Family Services. (I know, ridiculously long. Try having it as your major for two years and having to explain to everyone that asks what your major is..)
It's crazy to look back and think of all the things that happened that could have stopped me from finishing; myself being the main one.
Isn't life interesting? It's amazing how we all end up where we are.. where we are supposed to be.
I for one am so grateful every little detail of my life has played out the way it has because I am completely in love with my life right now.
Blessed beyond what I deserve, but couldn't be happier about it.

Oh.. and also.. I totally rocked the wedges while being 8 months pregnant. I'm kind of a big deal.

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